Summary: Prof. Cheng and his team have made milestone contributions in a series of works describing photonics packaging technology from the art and science points of view. The lecture will present the photonics packaging technology including the high-coupling packaging design of double-variable-curvature microlens employing fully automated process for higher average coupling efficiency from 980-nm lasers into single mode fibers, reduction of fiber alignment and postweld shift in laser module packaging, packaging of passively mode-locked fiber lasers employing carbon nanotubes or graphene, packaging of high-reliability glass-doped phosphor-converted high-power white-light-emitting diodes, and packaging of 300-nm ultra-broadband Cr-doped fiber amplifier for broadband transmission. Bio: Wood-Hi Cheng is a Chair Professor at National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaoshiung, Taiwan, where he founded and became the Director of the Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering (1994–2000), and Dean of College Engineering (2002–2005). In 2007 he chaired the Southern Taiwan Opto-Electronics Center of Excellence. Presently he is a Program Director of Optoelectronics in the National Science Council of Taiwan providing research grants and direction. Prof. Cheng is a Fellow of IEEE and OSA. While Dr. Cheng was in the United States, he contributed to the development and growth of high-speed semiconductor lasers with semi-insulating (SI) blocking layers at Rockwell International, CA. In 1987-1993, he was the first to propose and demonstrate low-threshold, high-power, and high-speed 1.3 mm buried crescent lasers with the iron and cobalt-doped SI current blocking layers. He also developed a high-power low-divergence superradiant diode at General Optronics, NJ. In Taiwan, Professor Cheng’s R&D made contributions to photonic package technology and technology transfer to industry (Quarton). Quarton then became the first solid-state laser company in Taiwan, and is currently the top-five sale for laser pointer in world since 1993. He was recipient of the IEEE Photonics Engineering Achievement Award in 2010 for design, development and commercialization compact solid-state laser modules. Prof. Cheng’s most significant R&D is the demonstration of record ultra-broadband 300-nm Cr-doped fibers (CDFs). The CDFs have been used for the first time as a broadband Cr-doped fiber amplifier (CDFA). With the help of optical-fiber system examination for the CDFA, a 40-Gb/s error-floor free data transmission is successfully demonstrated on fiber-optic transmission.
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October 2024